about bookcase

notes from bookcase

currently listening to CA album If I Don't Survive the Nuclear Winter

October 17th 2023

Bookcase Archive

Welcome to the archive!

If you're a musician or trying to get into your local music scene, I'm super passionate about archiving that! (very recently, actually). I'm just starting this archive and hopefully will make it a good resource for people who enjoy finding newgenres, undiscovered or unknown artists, or are just looking for a new song! :)

Originally, this site was for artists with under 500,000 listeners on Spotify, however I will now add artists with a range of 500,000 to 2.3 million monthly listeners under the honorable mention clause

visit the msuic archive page to submit a recommendation for this archive! Thanks!

Updates: Added Chapter 4 to the book

October 17th 2023